awesomely satirical.. brilliant read.,..

Mrigank Warrier's Blog

It deposed Facebook! Who will harvest my tomatoes on Farmville now? Who? Who? And yet you persist in patronising a Silicon Valley-based venture that hyper-connects people. Oh wait…

There’s peer pressure across generations to join it. If you haven’t created an account, your street cred is lower than Charlie Sheen’s at an AA meeting. As the Amish will ignore an Amanda Bynes in their midst, so your social circle will ignore you.

The long phone call is obsolete. I haven’t had me one of those since they considered Kamaal R Khan for a Dadasaheb Phalke. Because in these degenerate days, two friends who last heard each other croak when Manmohan Singh last spoke, will catch up by pumping their thumbs unto phalangeal destruction. Oh well, at least hearing loss won’t be a problem.

We’re continually hyper-informed. Don’t send me a picture of the grotesque boots you just bought; I’ll see…

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